Planning to Plan

Planning to Plan

Nikki Reiland Blog

Have you ever heard the saying "Fail to plan, plan to fail"? It's true. It really is. If I've only learned one thing in my life so far, it is that if I don't write things down I will not remember them. Period. I've got lists on lists on lists. Yet I'm not really a list person. Doesn't that make sense? Probably not. Whatever. So being the grown up adult that I am now...I get paper planners!

Last year a friend of mine talked me into getting an Erin Condren LifePlanner. I'm so glad she did! I loved using this planner last year. It fits how I think and need to see things. If you want to successfully use a paper planner, the planner you choose MUST fit how you think. Otherwise you are just wasting your time. 

So of course this year I sit down to order my new LifePlanner for 2017 and to the delight of my eyeballs I saw they added more options!! You can now choose to have a NEUTRAL themed inside!  I tend to love all things black, grey, and white. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate some color! (Did you see the cover I chose?) But when it comes to monthly theme colors, I'm all about the black and white. I was probably more happy about this than any normal person would be, but that's ok. 

Nikki Reiland Blog

I love the hand lettering they added in the black and white theme!

Nikki Reiland Blog

The LifePlanner has three options for interior layouts. Horizontal, Vertical, and Hourly. I like it horizontal! I love seeing my week days all lined up evenly next to each other. With how I live my life there is no need for hourly time slots. I work when I can work. That looks differently everyday and you never know until it's happening!

Nikki Reiland Blog

I'm trying to be better about writing down my big goals this year. I tend to be shy about my goals. I don't like to yell them out too loud because then maybe someone pays attention to that and if I fail, well that's embarrassing. Well not this year. I filled out my goal page. In pen. AND I've actually told people about them. I love how the LifePlanner has a special place for you to write down all those goals and even brainstorm some plans on how to actually achieve them. 

Nikki Reiland Blog

And this planner like to give you little words of encouragement throughout the year. I'm sure I will need to hear this!

Nikki Reiland Blog

I love my Erin Condren LifePlanner!! I'm sitting down today and marking this bad boy up! I'm so excited about all the things I already have planned for this year. I can't wait to see what else I can add!

If you want to check it out for yourself, it's not too late to start planning your year! Click here to take a look!

Happy New Year!! 

Love, Nikki

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