The Simple Guide to Oils

The Simple Guide to Oils

Today I’m going to break it down for you! In talking to people recently, a few have asked what my simple go-to list of must have essential oils would be. Some of them have been oiling for years but have felt stuck in a rut. Some of them just started and wanted to know the best and easiest way to begin. So here is my list of must haves and why I think you need them!

Thieves - Immune system support. Thieves essential oil helps our body’s immune system function to the best of its ability. There are lots of ways to use it but my favorite and most convenient way is to make a roller and apply to the bottom of your feet and down your spine daily. Getting sick is a natural part of life and something that we will always have to deal with at some point along the way. Thieves just helps our body be prepared so it can fight stronger. I like to make a Thieves Vitality tea when I’m feeling off as well. It’s just my favorite cup of tea, 1-2 drops of Lemon Vitality essential oil, 1 drop of Thieves Vitality essential oil, and a good spoonful of a great quality local honey. I will sip on this a few times a day when I feel my body craving a little extra help.

Lavender - Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils on earth. You definitely want this one on hand. Anything needing soothed needs Lavender. From soothing your skin to soothing your mood. We diffuse this often at bedtime. Usually mixed with a rotating list of different oils as it pairs so well with so many. But just Lavender on it’s own can get the job done! Lavender can also help support stuffy (swipe over the bridge) and runny (swipe underneath) noses. And it’s one part of an all time favorite recipe to help support seasonal discomforts (Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint are fantastic mixed together in the Spring and Fall). Do a quick Google search on Lavender and you will find a plethora of uses that would take up way too much space here!

Peppermint - Peppermint might be one of my most used essential oils. I can’t even remember how I dealt with my issues prior! I have food sensitivities, get a little car sick on long trips, and I’m known for a nervous stomach in stressful situations. Peppermint is my saving grace! Whenever I feel a queasy tummy situation arise, I rub a drop or two of Peppermint in and around my belly button. Sometimes I will also take Peppermint Vitality sublingually. But that’s not all Peppermint is good for. It can help cool your body down on hot summer days. I like to make a cooling spray that I keep in my backpack for all of our outdoor activities. Just water and about 10 drops of peppermint. Give it a good shake before using! Peppermint is also great for focus. I love to diffuse it in the mornings and it pairs so well with others! It’s the star of the show when it comes to handling head tension. You can make a roller (and maybe add some other soothing favorites) and swipe across the top of your forehead, on your temples, or behind your ears and neck. Using Peppermint Vitality in the kitchen can be fun too!

Lemon - Lemon essential oil is a CLASSIC! I can’t get enough of the bright, fresh, crisp smell. Citrus oils can help uplift moods and brighten your day! Lemon can help detox your body and cleanse your cells. It’s also great for cleaning your home. Lemon is natures goo-gone! Have kids? If you do, you know things can get…sticky! Leftover residue from stickers, random crayon marks or ink drawings…this stuff can help clear it all away! In the past I have also used Lemon Vitality to help ease a fire in my gut! Give me all the lemony fresh smells!

Digize - This is one I recommend EVERYONE to have somewhere in their home. I make sure to have this on hand while traveling too. Digize helps support all things digestive! If things are “moving too fast” or “moving too slow”, Digize can help balance your digestive system. If you find yourself or a family member in any situation where your stomach is upset, Digize can help! It’s definitely one of those oils that you don't think you need until you NEED it right that second! Don't ask me how I know this…

Valor - Valor is one of those oils I think we should all have on hand for our emotional wellbeing. In our house, we call this our “brave oil”. It helps calm any nervous tension and give us confidence. We use this in the mornings before school, before anything with big crowds, or before anything where we have to deal with a lot of change. Life is full of emotion and Valor can help us navigate those emotions a bit easier. I love diffusing this at night with Lavender to help calm and relax. Also great diffused with Frankincense to calm the mind when you need to focus! If you find yourself holding tension in your jaw, especially at night, rub this along your jawline to help release that tension!

Frankincense - Frankincense is the KING of oils. Great for overall wellness and the ultimate essential oil to support feeling grounded within yourself. I like to keep a roller of Frank and Lemon to roll down our spines to support our wellbeing and help support the regulation our body’s temperature when needed. Frankincense is wonderful for supporting youthful looking skin. I like to add a drop in my palm with my moisturizer before applying to my face. Or better yet, make my own facial serum with this as the star! Whenever I’m feeling frazzled, sometimes I’ll put a few drops into my palms, cup my hands over my nose, and take a few big deep breaths. Then I’ll rub my palms on the back of my neck and over my shoulders. It’s a great little reset!

Copaiba - Copaiba is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated essential oils. You never really see people praising this one but it deserves to be bragged on! I first started using this when I had a little one teething. I would massage this into his gums to help ease the process. I also made a roller with Copaiba and Lavender to roll along the jawline. As I got to know Copaiba better, I translated that ease of inflammation to other areas. My muscles, my skin, even nervous tension. I know add this to my facial serum and any muscle soothing rollers I make. I’d venture to say that most of use deal with inflammation in some way, whether we realize it or not.

RC - RC stands for “respiratory care”. And that’s just what it does! It’s a fantastic blends of crisp eucalyptus oils. This is my go to when I want to help support my lungs breathing happily. Diffuse it, roll it, make a salve. I love diffusing at night with Lavender when I need the extra support. It’s a must have for your oily arsenal!

Thieves Household Cleaning Concentrate - Yes, this list is mainly oils. But this one cannot go unmentioned. Thieves Cleaner is hands down my FAVORITE product Young Living offers. One bottle lasts so long! I used to spend $3-4 dollars per spray bottle of “natural” cleaner at the store. This one concentrated bottle makes approximately 29 16oz spray bottles! Not only is it super cheap to make but it works so well! I use this concentrate in different ways around the house too. Booster for laundry, DIY soft scrub recipe, and even on my houseplants just to name a few!

BONUS! If you have kids, the KidScents Roll-on Collection is where it’s at!!! All pre made, pre-dilute and ready to use! Its the easy button for oily kids!

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