DIY Armpit Detox

DIY Armpit Detox

A few days ago I posted one of those “ask me anything” boxes in my Instagram stories. One of the questions I received was if I had any recommendations for a natural deodorant. The fact of the matter is, most of the year I don’t wear any! I know, I know…this sounds questionable. If I still lived in Florida I might not be able to get away with this. But up here in the Midwest, I just don’t sweat all that much. And if I do, I shower and I’m on my way. Maybe I’m lucky I don’t have a larger smell issue? I think a lot of things go into this. I’m VERY particular about what I put in and on my body. The heavier our toxic load, the more our glands get overloaded. Diet, products, these all play a part. About 5 years ago I stopped using common standard anti-perspirants that contained aluminum. I tried a few different natural options but found my skin extremely irritated by baking soda. Even some of the ones for sensitive skin still made my skin mad. So I just gave up! I went without and I’ve been fine. I do sometimes wear a brand called Kopari in the summer months. Only their fragrance free one. The other ones contain fragrance/parfum and that’s a deal breaker for me.

What can we do to help get rid of the junk stuck in our glands?? First, stop using anti-perspirants. Our bodies are meant to sweat. And when we apply chemicals to force our bodies natural processes…things get yucky. Next, try an armpit detox!! We gotta pull that junk out, which in turn, will lessen any smelly issues. I’ve heard it’s good to do these often. Even daily to start if you are trying to lessen any smell. I plan to do this at least once a month for the time being.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Make sure to use glass or plastic when mixing and measuring. Do not use metal! Mix the bentonite clay, ACV, and essential oil (if using). Then add a tiny amount of water if you need to thin it out. You want it to be the consistency of a very thick yogurt. I chose to use Tea Tree essential oil. Lemon essential oil would be another great one for a detox. Apply under your arms and let it sit for 5-20 min. For your first time, start slow. If you feel any stinging or tingling, remove the mask. You can wipe off with a warm cloth. Or better yet, rinse off in the shower! I had no redness afterwards but it is possible to be a little flush immediately after removing.

Enjoy those fresh and clean glands, friends!

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